Monday, April 29, 2013

Vote on the Cover of "Purple Moon"!

Hey everyone!

I need your help in deciding which cover to choose for PURPLE MOON, my YA Christian fiction novel which releases September 24, 2013 through Lighthouse Publishing of the Carolinas.

The main character Selena is artsy, a dreamer, and very passionate about sketching, coffee, and the night sky. Here is the back-cover-copy:

Selena’s life isn’t turning out to be the fairy tale she imagined as a kid. That hope seemed to vanish long ago when her dad—a preacher—kicked her and her mom out of the house. This summer might finally hold the chance of a new beginning for Selena… but having to live with her snobby cousin in Lake Lure, NC while waiting for her mom to get out of rehab wasn’t how Selena was planning on spending her summer. She soon begins to wonder why she committed to give up her “bad habits” for this.

Things don’t seem too bad, though. Especially when Selena gains the attention of the cute neighbor next door. But when her best friend back home in Brooklyn desperately needs her, a secret that’s been hidden from Selena for years is revealed, and when she becomes a target for one of her cousin’s nasty pranks, she finds herself having to face the scars from her past and the memories that come along with them. Will she follow her mom’s example in running away, or trust that God still has a fairy tale life written just for her?

Which one grabs your attention the most? Please let me know! Thanks!

Thursday, April 18, 2013

How Important Are "Writing Rules"?

How important is it that writers follow writing rules? I'm not talking about grammar and punctuation rules; I'm talking about the rules we learn by reading writing craft books, industry blogs, as well as in writing workshops/conferences.

I'm sort of a perfectionist when it comes to my writing. I've edited my upcoming novel, Purple Moon, far too many times to count--and every time I read it, I have an urge to tweak it some more. This is because our writing can always be improved; I don't think there will come a time when I read one of my novels and am completely satisfied at the writing. As long as I continue writing, reading, and studying the craft, I will continue to grow as a writer. That being said, I will continue to find flaws. But I have learned that my desire to perfect my writing is not nearly as important as my desire to make an impact on someone's life through my story. 

I've heard many authors tell amateur writers that it's best to wait until their craft is perfected before they seek publication. It's even been recommended that writers throw away their first couple manuscripts, since it is not likely that they are good enough for publication. I don't necessarily agree everyone should do this, only because it generally depends on the writer, as well as the story. What if the manuscript you threw away could have impacted someone? What if it could have been a best-seller? I also don't think it's necessary to wait until your you've fully grown in your writing craft before seeking publication, only because our growth should have no limits.

Although I do feel as if I have grown a lot as a writer since I began writing Purple Moon, I do not regret having it published. Not at all. The reason is because I know the potential the story has to impact teenagers. Generally speaking, your writing isn't what's going to grip a reader's heart; it's the emotional and spiritual impact that will touch readers and possibly lead them to Christ. 

Don't get me wrong, developing our craft is very important. An agent/editor will not read your book if it's poorly written. However, as a Christian writer, following the writing rules should not be our main focus. There are a few Christian fiction books I have read that broke many writing rules, yet somehow they had a huge impact on me, as well as many others. I believe that the ability an author has to present an authentic and emotional story with a subtle, yet strong spiritual theme far outweighs whether or not their writing is perfect. 

If you feel that God has laid a story on your heart, then start writing, no matter how good of a writer you think you may be. You never know the amount of people who may be touched by reading your story.
"Look at your writing as a ministry, as something God has uniquely called you to do for His glory. The written word is a powerful tool you can use for the glory of God; and yes, you can even do powerful things through stories."
~Adam Blumer

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Are You Blended?

Did you know that if you move to a different English-speaking country, chances are you will eventually start to sound like them? Your accent, your way of life, and even your mannerisms will fade into the country’s culture rather than your own. Your surroundings will begin to rub off on you little by little, whether you realize it or not.

That’s exactly how it is when Christians hang out with the world. Think about it: If you’ve ever been to a party that served alcohol, have you ever seen anyone praising and worshipping God? No one would do that. Parties are for dancing, drinking, and sinning. Everyone there is doing what their friends are doing; no one wants to stand out at a party by worshipping God.

Likewise, you wouldn’t see someone dancing, drinking, and sinning at church would you? No one would do that, not even those who do go to parties every weekend. (Continue reading)